2G, Rizhskiy 1st lane, 2nd floor,office 58, 129626, Moscow, Russia
Phone Number: +7 (495) 727 07 31
Fax: +7 (495) 727 07 30
E-mail: info@gtss.ru
2G ,
Dear Clients! Transmission parameters of the Zvezda channel from ABS-1 satellite will be changed. Starting November 12, 2013, the channel will be transmitted from transponder # 8.
Tuning parameters:
Satellite ABS-1, 75˚ E
Transponder 8
Reception frequency - 12 731,5 MHz
Reception polarization - vertical
Symbol rate - 22 Msymb/sec
FEC - 7/8
Necessary diameter of the reception antennas:
- for professional reception 1.5 - 2.4 m
- for individual reception 1.2 - 1.5 m